Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I like to think that if not the whole world I have pretty much figured myself out. Most of the times I try to wallow in this glorious understanding and often times when I am all alone in my room, I convince myself that I can stand my own anywhere. However this confidence always eludes me when I am faced with reality. Part of the problem lies never really confronting my very basic animal instincts. I am most like a cat-as I have arrived after much thought!

Now if you read Eliot's "Old Possum's book of Practical cats" you will realize that there is a cat in all of us. I a nothing special. I am extremely thoughtful-I let hours pass by thinking all I could have done and that tomorrow is always another day. I keep my room and my surroundings tidy, but wold never wash that extra pan that I never really used. Very often when I find enough strength to motivate myself, I am suddenly plagued by numerous thoughts all at once and finally I am left absolutely exhausted and I take a short power nap....that lasts for hours!

As of now I have started Blogging to console myself that I dont really 'waste time....I just prefer to wait for the next train really!

1 comment:

deeangel said...

Hello sweety!
kudos on ur write up was really fun reading it!!!